Child Custody

Parenting Plans and Time Sharing

When going through a divorce or paternity action in Florida, your children are your most important assets, and it is extremely important that they are protected to the fullest extent. In Florida, the terms “timesharing,’ and “parenting time” are now the correct terms for how parents share time with their children. At Hughes Law Group, we are here to help with all aspects of the Parenting Plan process including time-sharing and child support. We are here to ensure the children‘s best interest is served.

Every family law matter involving children, whether it is a divorce or a paternity case requires a Parenting Plan. The plan must consist of a detailed description of how each parent plans on sharing the responsibilities of raising the child. When choosing a time-sharing attorney, parents should look for someone who is experienced in creating these Parenting Plans to ensure the Parenting Plan drafting process goes smoothly.

Child Timesharing Attorney Serving Tampa Bay:

If possible, it is always best for the parties to agree on the children’s Parenting Plan. At Hughes Law Group, we can negotiate specialized provisions as unique as your family.

If the parties cannot agree, the Court will enter an order that spells out the terms of the Parenting Plan. Florida law will determine parenting time based on the child’s best interests.

When working with Hughes Law Group, we will fill you in on the many elements and factors that will be taken into consideration by the Court, including:

  • How each parent is capable of meeting the child’s developmental needs
  • How each parent’s ability to be involved with medical care, extracurricular activities and schooling
  • The impact of each parent’s routine for the child
  • The ability of the parents to communicate with each other and keep other informed about the child
  • The length of time the child and parent have lived in a stable environment
  • The impact of the child’s school record
  • How each parent has encouraged the relationship between the child and the other parent and the flexibility of each parent regarding timesharing
  • How the anticipated division of parental responsibilities after the litigation, including the involvement of third parties will impact the case
  • The impact of the length of time the child has lived in a stable environment
  • What makes the proposed Parenting Plan geographically viable
  • How each parent has provided a consistent routine for the child
  • What is the impact of any history of domestic violence or sexual violence or alternatively, false allegations of domestic violence
  • The impact of exposing the child to substance abuse
  • The knowledge of each parent regarding the facts surrounding the child
  • How the health of the child’s parents (moral, physical, mental)

If your case ends up going to trial, the above are just a few examples of what the court will look at to determine timesharing. Our firm’s goals are for you to be able to come to an agreement settlement so you do not need to go to trial. At Hughes Law Group, we want to make your child timesharing case go as smoothly as possible while minimizing your cost, financially and emotionally. If you do need to go to court, you want to have the top resources to obtain the best possible result.